We hire Popcorn, Candy Floss and Slush machine in Ammanford, Bury Port, Llanelli, Swansea, Cardiff and surrounding areas.
The hire comprises the machine, 75 x cups and straws, No fluid is supplied.
best results we recommend you use full sugar drinks like, Coke, Dr
Pepper etc. Using low calorie or no sugar drinks doesn't work as the ice
becomes too thick for the blades to rotate.
Popcorn machine hire
- it comes with 75 portions of ingredients.for popcorn, great for
events and even private parties. You can make it sweet or salted
Floss Machine hire - it comes with enough ingredients and sticks for 75
portions of lovely Candy floss , we also supply you with some colourant
Slush machine hire - 2 flavours at any one time to choose from.
you require larger amounts or any advice on these products please
Contact Mushroom Entertainment or call our team on 01267 888094 or contact page
you are interested and have any questions regarding bouncy castle hire,
catering or any of our services then please feel free to contact us on
01267 888094 or email. and a member of our team will be able to assist
or alternatively you can fill out our contact form and we will reply as
soon as possible.
Our office is open 10am - 530pm Monday to Friday for enquiries.